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Project dashboard [old VDR]

Get an overview of the data room dashboard and see how it works for your project

Updated over a week ago

Dashboard is the front page of your project. Administrators are provided with the most important updates about their project. Its sole purpose is to give easier navigation across changes, as well as to enhance all the current data room capabilities.

💡 The dashboard is available for full administrators only.

The dashboard consists of 7 charts and graphs that include metrics to easily assess the changes in the project, allowing administrators to track user behavior, discover trends, and act faster.

All metrics are calculated from data from the Reports section, and therefore they correspond to admins' specific access level.

Also, each chart or graph links directly to the relevant Reports section with pre-selected filters in place, so it's really easy when you want to get granular detail. Just one click, and you're inside the relevant report.

💡 For all calculations in the Dashboard, we use a metric of interaction with documents as one or more of the following unique events: file viewing, encrypted file downloading, PDF downloading, original file downloading, unredacted file downloading, and file printing.

There are 7 key metrics we measure on the Dashboard.

Invite responses

This is a simple bar graph that breaks down and displays the user invites into:

  • Invited: users who have been invited and are yet to respond.

  • Signed in: users who have accepted their invite and signed in at least once.

  • Active: users who performed at least 1 interaction with documents.

💡 This will help you work out at a glance how well your invites are progressing. Click on the graph to go to your Groups overview report.

User activity

User activity allows project administrators to view the activity of users since the project's creation. It gives a quick point of reference to see the progress or blockers of your project.

Using the filter in the top right corner, admins can filter these two graphs to hone in on user groups and gather topline impressions of activity in a user-friendly way.

Activity over period

This section is split into two halves.

Groups and users

The first allows admins to view their most and least active groups over a set period of time. Admins can select the period and the user groups they wish to view, and the results are laid out in a hierarchical table. If users aren't set into groups, the Dashboard breaks it down into user-specific information.

Most active groups is a list of groups who have been busiest within your project.

Least active groups shows those groups that are least active and will also give you specific times and dates as to the last document the group interacted with.

Most/least active users are shown if there are fewer than 4 groups. If the number of groups is 4 or more, we show groups.

💡 We define the number of docs accessed as unique interactions with files or folders. So duplicate actions aren't recorded, ensuring that there's no chance of misreading this data.

Our use term inactive is not the absence of any event (like signing in to the project, for example) but is any of the following events:

  • File viewing

  • Encrypted file downloading

  • PDF downloading

  • Original file downloading

  • Unredacted file downloading

  • File printing

If the users in the groups have made none of these actions within the selected time period, we call this group inactive. In such cases, the group is marked with N/A label.

Files and folders

Here you will find the performance updates of all your most viewed files and folders, as well as the latest uploads. Easily see which documents users are interacting with and which files might be missed.

💡 We define the number of unique interactions as the list of actions above that are unique to each user and aren't duplicated. So no single document can accrue false readings to mislead admins.

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