Downloading files

Downloading original, PDF or encrypted files

Updated over a week ago

To download a file, select the file (or several of them) in the document structure and click "Download" in the dropdown menu.

Depending on the user’s document permissions, the files can be downloaded in the Encrypted version, PDF or Original format.

Downloading a file is also possible in the online view mode.

In case full administrators select folders or files containing any applied redactions, they will have an additional option to download the Unredacted version.

Please keep in mind that if a selection contains files without applied redactions, they will be downloaded in their original format.

To download multiple files/folders, select them in the list, click on the additional menu next to any of the selected items and hit Download.

The files and folders will be downloaded to your local PC in a ZIP archive.

To download all the documents in bulk, select "Download" in the context menu of the root folder/right-click on the root folder, and select "Download".

When you choose to download in the format of encrypted files:

Note: For the bulk download of files and folders, you may also use iDeals Desktop application for Windows. In this case, the documents are downloaded without archiving.

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