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Importing folder structure
Importing folder structure

How to create a folder structure in your project from the existing Excel file

Updated over 4 months ago

When preparing for a project start, you may already have a defined project index with the desired folder structure to be created.

Our feature of folder structure import helps automatically create folders in bulk from the given Excel file, saving time on the setup of a new project.

ℹ️ This feature is available to administrators only.

To get started, click Import folder structure in the Add menu on the action panel or the documents start page if your project has no documents yet.

💡 To import a folder structure, you must first enable automatic document indexing.

If automatic indexing is not enabled, you will get a modal that asks if you would like to switch it on. Click Enable and progress to the next step.

Then you will be asked with which method you would like to import your folder structure:

You can select one of the following options:

  • Import file - Create folder structure by importing an XLSX file

  • Copy from project - Copy folder structure from existing project

You can only copy from a project for which you have accepted Terms of Use. If you are yet to accept these terms, you will be prompted to accept them.

Import file

1. Upload file

Drag and drop or choose your XLSX file with the project index. If you don't have one already, you may download our template. Click the download icon to begin downloading the template.

To successfully process your XLSX file, make sure it meets the following criteria:

  • Structure is indexed

  • XLSX format

  • Less than 10 MB

  • Use digits and dots only for your index

  • Use only one index column that includes sub indexes

  • Index and Name cannot contain symbols \ / : * ? " < > |

In case of any other uncommon issues, you'll be notified accordingly.

2. Check detected structure

Upon successfully processing your file, check the structure and adjust automatically detected data if needed.

Available settings

Available settings depend on your file structure and the presence of other folders in the project. By default, you will find the following settings:

  • Index: the system takes the value from the first cell that matches the index pattern in the selected range.

💡 The first sheet with valid data is used. If 2 or more sheets are selected, the system merges indices from all lists. To successfully do that, the columns should be the same on all selected sheets.

  • Name: if multiple columns are selected, the name is merged into one; values from different columns are separated with dashes.

  • Import to specific folder: include the index of the selected destination folder.

💡 In this case, the folder structure will be created inside the selected folder already present in the project.

  • Include index in the name: add indices to the folder names if needed. Useful if you do not plan to use automatic document indexing for your project. In this case, the documents will be sorted alphabetically according to the index included in the name.

💡 If you have previously created folders in your project and need to rename them in bulk, use the Merge folders option. In this case, existing folders will be matched by their indices, and new names from the Excel file will be applied. Renamed folders will be additionally marked in the structure preview.


If your imported structure has duplicates, you will see a modal offering three processing options:

  • Merge: the files and indexes will be merged.

  • Keep only existing: the existing file stays.

  • Keep both: the new file is imported and numbered.

3. Preview your folder structure

In this step, you get a full overview of the folder structure that will be created in your project.

💡 Folder names can't contain the following symbols: \ / : * ? " < > | and they are auto-replaced with a dash (-) with a warning icon shown.

Also, each folder must have a unique index and name. If any conflicts are found, you'll see corresponding error messages below each folder in question.

In the preview, you can:

  • Rename both existing and new folders.

  • Edit index of the imported folders.

  • Rebuild the index to eliminate any gaps in the index.

  • Delete imported folders.

Once you review everything, click Import and wait for the folders to be created and/or renamed. Usually, it takes just a few moments.

If there are any problems, you will be notified via a toaster message. To correct any mistakes, click the Fix errors call to action within the toaster message. This takes you back to the preview step.

Copy from project

Once you have selected this method of import, you will be met with the screen to select the source project and the destination folder (if required).

1. Select Source project

Select the required Source project from the dropdown input displayed.

Within the dropdown, you can also Search for project to save you scrolling unnecessarily should you have a large amount of projects on the go.

Once selected, the system will load in the source project's structure, and you will see it displayed on the screen below the input.

2. Select the folders for import

Simply select the project checkbox to select the entire folder structure.

3. Select your Destination folder

You can select where you wish to import your structure into your project if required, this is not mandatory.

4. Move to Preview your structure

Press the Next button to head to the next stage, Preview your structure.


Common Errors

  1. Index is already in use

    • Issue: The index number you’ve specified is already assigned to another folder.

    • Solution: Choose a unique index number for each folder to avoid conflicts. Each folder in your structure must have its own distinct index.

  2. No parent folder found

    • Issue: A child folder is missing its parent folder, meaning the folder hierarchy is broken.

    • Solution: Ensure that each child folder is assigned to a parent folder and that the index number of the parent folder is correctly specified.

Common Warnings

  1. Renamed from old value

    • Issue: The folder name has been automatically renamed due to conflicts or missing data.

    • Solution: If the folder name is missing or invalid, the system will rename it based on the provided index. You can manually edit the name if needed.

  2. Folder name is missing, so its index will be used instead

    • Issue: A folder name is blank, so the system automatically uses the folder index number as its name.

    • Solution: Make sure each folder has a meaningful name to avoid confusion. If no name is provided, the index number will be used as a default.

  3. Folder name cannot exceed 255 symbols, so the excess part was cut off automatically

    • Issue: The folder name exceeds the allowed character limit.

    • Solution: Shorten the folder name to ensure it doesn't exceed the 255-character limit. Any excess characters will be automatically cut off.

  4. Invalid symbols removed

    • Issue: The folder name contains invalid characters that are not allowed in the system (e.g., special symbols).

    • Solution: The system will automatically replace invalid characters with hyphens (-). Review your folder names and remove any characters that might be causing issues.

Fixing Errors and Warnings

  • You can hover over the tooltip next to a folder to view more details about the error or warning. This provides further information to help you correct the issue.

  • The number of errors and warnings will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Make sure to review these and address any issues before proceeding with the import.

Additional Tips

  • Deleting folders: You can delete newly added folders, including those with errors and warnings. However, existing folders cannot be deleted once added to the structure.

  • Rebuilding index: If you encounter indexing issues, you can use the Rebuild index feature. This will automatically correct the folder numbering, restoring the sequence.

    • Important note: The index rebuilding process is irreversible. If you need to undo changes, you must return to the "Check detected structure" step or manually edit the indexes.

  • Importing structure: You will not be able to proceed with the import until all errors are resolved. Be sure to address all issues before submitting the folder structure.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can resolve common folder import issues and ensure that your folder structure is properly configured in your project.

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