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Importing questions
Importing questions

How to import questions in bulk on behalf of the question team and who can do it

Updated over a week ago

The import feature allows adding multiple questions at once instead of posting them one by one. This option can be helpful if the question side already has a set of prepared questions they would like to ask.

Bulk import of questions is available to question drafters, question submitters, and answer coordinators on behalf of any question team.

💡 Learn more about available Q&A roles.

To import questions:

  • Click on the three dots menu and select Import questions.

    For Answer coordinator – Import questions on behalf of and select the question team.

  • Click the Download template button in the newly opened window.

💡 Question submitters have the option to choose whether to propose (draft) or submit questions. Question drafters can only propose, and answer coordinators can only submit questions by default.

  • Fill out the downloaded Excel file according to the requirements:

    • Add a question subject of up to 100 symbols.

    • Add a question text of up to 5000 symbols.

    • Select the question priority from the drop-down values: High, Medium, Low.

    • Select the question category from the drop-down values (available if categories were enabled in the Q&A settings).

  • Save the filled-out template.

  • Go back to the import window in a data room and click Choose file.

  • Navigate to the previously saved template on your computer and select it.

  • All questions added to the template will be automatically drafted or submitted, depending on the author's role and selected option.

If any field is entered incorrectly, you will see a corresponding error message specifying what needs to be fixed for a successful import.

Only the default Excel template can be used for importing questions. Any other format or differently filled-out spreadsheets will not be accepted by the system.

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