
Learn how to create and define labels, how to assign and unassign labels, and filter by label

Updated over a week ago

Using an older version of VDR? This article covers features and functionality for the latest version of our VDR. If you're using an older version, please refer to Labeling [old VDR] for relevant information.

💡This feature is available with Business or Enterprise subscriptions.

In a project with the labels feature activated, you can assign various labels to files and folders for easy categorization and filtering.

The list of available labels is defined by the administrators in Project settings in the Labels tab.

How to create labels

Only project administrators are allowed to create labels.

Here, admins can simply press Add label or edit existing labels. Admins are able to amend:

  • Group: the name or defining characteristic of the values

  • Type: signifies multiple or single selection allowed

  • Values: the independent values of each label

Participants require Manage permissions to be able to assign and unassign labels.

Users with any role can see the labels assigned to the documents and folders they have access to (any permission higher than None).

How to assign labels to files and folders

  • Select the files in the list within Documents.

  • Right-click on any of the selected files and select Add labels in the context menu.

  • Click the labels you'd like to add to the files.

  • Press Apply.

Besides using the context menu, the same option to Add labels is available on the top panel in Documents as soon as any documents are selected.

How to edit labels

To unassign or change labels:

  • Select the files in the list.

  • Go to Labels menu option.

  • Clicking the labels you'd like to remove and/or select the new ones.

  • Click Apply.

To search for the relevant documents by their labels, use the filter within the Search function and select Labeled and select the corresponding values.

Administrators can track the changes made to the document labels by all users in the Activity log.

Upon exporting the project index, the corresponding document labels will be listed under the Labels assigned column.

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