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Editing group settings

Adjust group name, role, access security, and permissions

Updated over 6 months ago

To view and edit group settings, just click on the group in the list or use the corresponding option in the context menu – Open group settings.

💡 Only project administrators can access and change group settings.

The group settings card contains the following tabs: Feature permissions, Document permissions, and Security.

To rename the group, click the three-dots menu and select the corresponding option.

Feature permissions

In this tab, you can change the role of the selected group that defines access to project features.

⚠️ It is not possible to change the role of own or last administrator group. First, create a new admin group and move participants to it.

Document permissions

In this tab, you can review and adjust document permissions if needed.

💡 Document permissions are present for User and Custom roles only. Administrator role has full access to all documents by default.

You can also copy permissions from another non-admin group if any are present in the project.


The following security settings are present:

  • Project access: limit access to the project until a certain date, or deactivate it with immediate effect.

  • 2-step verification: require users to verify their identity with a second factor to access your project.

  • Allowed IP addresses: specify applicable IP addresses or ranges to allow access to the project.

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