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Editing user settings

Adjust user's security settings, document notifications, access to Q&A, and more

Updated over 7 months ago

To view and edit user settings, just click on the user in the list or use the corresponding option in the context menu – Open user settings.

💡 Only project administrators can access the user settings card.

User card contains basic information on the user and the following tabs with settings: General, Security, and Q&A.

Personal info

Personal info such as email, name, company, job title, and phone number can be provided by administrators during bulk invitation or by participants themselves upon account registration.

💡 Personal info cannot be updated after adding participants to the project, as these details belong to the user as soon as they are created in the system. Each user can adjust their personal details during their account registration or in the Personal info menu.


In the general settings, you can find:

  • Group: move a user to a different group by selecting another group from the dropdown.

  • Document notifications: send emails about new documents added to the project.

💡 Administrators cannot change the group for their own accounts, and another administrator should do it.


The following security settings are present:

  • Project access: limit access to the project until a certain date, or deactivate it with immediate effect.

  • 2-step verification: require users to verify their identity with a second factor to access your project.

  • Allowed IP addresses: specify applicable IP addresses or ranges to allow access to the project.


In the Q&A tab, you can change the following settings:

  • Q&A role: provide access to Q&A according to the selected role.

  • New Q&A activity: send email notifications about new messages and activity.

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