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Notification settings

Adjust your notification preferences and get emails about uploaded and deleted documents, data storage, Q&A activity, and mentions

Updated over a week ago

Notifications settings are open to all users and can be adjusted in Personal settings found on the left panel of your project. To open, click Settings and select Personal from the drop-down.

Any user can change their document notification settings and disable email alerts about newly added documents or the desired frequency of notifications from the drop-down list.

💡 The settings available here depend on your access. For user and custom roles, (non-administrator roles), the only available option is to toggle Uploaded and deleted documents.

Project administrators have more notifications settings. These are the following:

  • Uploaded and deleted documents

  • Data storage reached the limit

  • New Q&A activity

  • Mentioned in a note

These settings all correspond to how you are notified of changes in your project.

Uploaded and deleted documents

Enable this setting to select how frequently you wish to receive notifications when documents are uploaded or deleted in the project.

Once enabled, you gain access to an additional setting regarding your own document management. Switch this setting on to access personally uploaded and deleted documents notifications.

Data storage reached the limit

This setting allows you to toggle notifications specifically for when your data storage limit is reached. Toggle the setting and select your limit in MB or GB from the corresponding drop-down menu.

New Q&A activity

To enable or disable Q&A notifications, toggle the setting as required and select the frequency. There are 3 available options:

  • Instantly: email notifications will be sent as soon as there is a new activity available to the Q&A users.

  • Daily in the morning: daily digest for the past 24 hours is sent every morning.

  • Daily in the evening: daily digest for the past 24 hours is sent every evening.

💡 Q&A notifications are available only for users with access to the Q&A section. As soon as the user is assigned any Q&A role, their default notification setting is set to Instantly.

Mentioned in a note

Within our Notes feature, users can use @ sign to mention other participants to draw their attention to specific documentations. Toggle the setting to select the frequency for these notifications. There are four available options:

  • Every 30 minutes: email notifications will be sent every 30 minutes if you have been mentioned in a note.

  • Hourly: email notifications will be sent every hour when you have been mentioned in a note.

  • Daily in the morning: email notifications will be sent daily but in the morning summarizing your mentions in notes

  • Daily in the evening: email notifications will be sent daily but in the evening summarizing your mentions in notes

💡 In case you participate in several projects on our platform, the notification settings should be adjusted in each data room individually.

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