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Participants searching, filtering, and sorting
Participants searching, filtering, and sorting

Learn about available filters and sorting options

Updated over a week ago

Using an older version of VDR? This article covers features and functionality for the latest version of our VDR. If you're using an older version, please refer to User search [old VDR] for relevant information.


In the participants tab, you can search by user name and email address, as well as group name. Just type into the Search box in the top-right corner of the page.


Click on the filter icon within the search box to apply filters or narrow down search results. Filtering options include:

  • Role: Administrator, User, Custom.

  • Activity:

    • Signed in

    • Not signed in

    • Deactivated access

    • Active access

If Q&A is activated, additional filters are present:

  • Q&A role

  • Question team

Several filters can be applied at the same time in addition to the search query or independently.


You can also sort participants by the following columns:

  • Group: list of groups with their participants.

  • Role: group role that defines feature permissions.

  • Last sign-in: the last time the user has accessed your project.

  • Users: number of participants in each group.

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