Permissions inheriting [old VDR]

Automatically assigned permissions to newly uploaded documents and new folders; changes when moving, copying or restoring files

Updated over a week ago

The permissions are assigned during the group creation and can be reviewed/adjusted any time later in the Documents or Users tab by clicking on the "Permissions" button.

There are a few scenarios of permissions inheriting when adding new documents or managing an existing structure.

1. Creating a new folder in the existing structure

In the case of an existing folder structure, when a new folder is being created, it automatically inherits the permission of the parent folder.
E.g., if the folder is created in the root folder with the permission "None", it will also be hidden from the users unless you change its permission.

2. Uploading new documents to the existing folder

All newly uploaded documents automatically inherit the permission of the folder they are being uploaded to.

3. Copying documents from one folder to another in the data room

If you choose a copy&paste option, then all copied documents will inherit the permission of the folder they are being copied to (regardless of their original permission).

4. Moving documents from one folder to another in the data room

While moving (drag&drop or cut&paste), a file/folder saves the permission of the folder it is moved from.

For example, in the data room you have:

  • Folder 1 with the "Download original" permission;

  • Folder 2 with the "View" permission applied.

If you move (cut&paste or drag&drop) the documents:

  • from Folder 1 to Folder 2, then the moved documents will have "Download original" permission within the folder with the "View" level of access;

  • from Folder 2 to Folder 1, then the moved documents will have "View" access only, while the folder has "Download original" permission.

Hence, please double-check and change the permissions for the moved documents if needed.

5. Restoring files and folders from the recycle bin

  • If the "Cut" option is used, then the documents will be added to the chosen folder with their initial permission (same as it works for moving documents).

  • If you choose "Restore", then the file will be automatically added to its original parent folder with the same permission.

In case the parent folder no longer exists in the data room, you will need to choose another folder in the structure. In this case, the restored document will have its initial permission.

Learn more about available document permission levels here.

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