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Exporting questions
Exporting questions

How to download the Q&A discussions report

Updated over a week ago

The option to export the Q&A threads is available to all Q&A users. Upon export, the Q&A discussions are saved in the Excel spreadsheet for further analysis, storing, or sharing with colleagues who do not participate in Q&A when needed.

To export the Q&A discussions, click on the Export button in the Q&A section and select the required option.

Available options depend on Q&A role, selected or filtered questions, or opened hot-filter tab. Each Q&A participant can export only those questions that are available to them according to their Q&A role.

In the All questions tab, all Q&A users have the following export options:

  • All questions

  • Filtered questions

  • Selected questions

💡 In the case of "Filtered questions" or "Selected questions" options, only specifically filtered/selected questions will be exported.

Each of the above-listed options includes the following sub-options:

  • All messages

  • Only submitted questions and answers

💡 The "All messages" option allows exporting all thread activity, including comments, proposed answers, submitted answers, answers awaiting approval, or rejected answers. While the "Only submitted questions and answers" option does not include any internal activity.

Other export options correspond to the selected tab. Below you may find a summary of available Q&A tabs based on the user's Q&A role and their export options.

Q&A role

Hot-filter tab

Export option

Question drafter / Question submitter

Created by me

All my questions

Question drafter / Question submitter


All submitted questions

Question drafter / Question submitter


All drafted questions

Question drafter / Question submitter


All answered questions

Question drafter / Question submitter



Answer coordinator (if the Expert and/or the Answer approver role is enabled)

Action required

All questions requiring action

Answer coordinator (if the Expert role is enabled)

Assigned to expert

All questions assigned to experts

Answer coordinator


All unanswered questions

Answer coordinator


All answered questions

Answer coordinator





All unanswered questions



All answered questions

Answer approver

Awaiting approval

All questions awaiting approval

Answer approver


All approved questions

Answer approver


All rejected questions

⚠️ Activity logs, original versions of the edited messages, and deleted threads are not included in the downloaded Q&A discussions report.

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