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Assigning questions to experts
Assigning questions to experts

How to assign and reassign questions to the selected experts; auto-assign and manual assign of questions

Updated over 9 months ago

Depending on the selected Q&A settings, the questions can be automatically assigned to experts based on the category or manually appointed by the Answer coordinator.

💡 Learn more about available Q&A roles.

Auto-assignment based on category

If the expert role is enabled with auto-assignment, then all newly created questions are automatically assigned to experts based on the question category to which they are assigned.

For example, an expert was assigned to answer questions in the Legal category. When the question team submits a new question with the selected category Legal, an expert is assigned automatically and receives this question.

💡 If no experts are assigned to the created category, only answer coordinators can view and answer these questions or manually assign them to experts.

Manual assignment to experts

If auto-assignment is disabled, only answer coordinators can see newly submitted questions. In this case, they can either answer the questions themselves or manually assign questions to respective experts.

To assign the question to experts:

  • Navigate to the right-side panel of the open question.

  • Click the Assign expert button right below the question text.

  • Click Select experts on the top panel of the appeared field.

  • Select the experts from the list and click Apply.

  • Leave a comment for the selected experts (optionally).

  • Click Assign.

Changing experts: reassignment and unassignment

Answer coordinators can reassign or unassign experts from the question while it’s in the Question submitted status – before the answer is provided.

To change the experts assigned to the question:

  • Navigate to the right-side panel of the open question.

  • Click the Edit button next to the "Assigned to" field below the question ID and subject.

  • Select or deselect experts in the list.

  • Click Apply.

💡 Only the answer coordinators can see and answer the question if all experts are unassigned.

If the answer coordinator replies to the question themselves, the question will be automatically unassigned from the previously appointed experts, and they will no longer see this question in their list.

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