Available reports

Find out the ways you can track project activity through our range of reports

Updated over a week ago

Using an older version of VDR? This article covers features and functionality for the latest version of our VDR. If you're using an older version, please refer to Available reports [old VDR] for relevant information.

To access various reports quickly, click on Reports in the left panel.

In the dropdown, you will find the following reports:

Activity log

This report gives detailed insight into user activity including tracking individual user actions such as file access, duration of file viewing, and other related activities. Additionally, there can be a need to identify users responsible for file movements or deletions or any other operations.

💡 Activity log offers the added advantage of being exportable to an Excel file, which can then be included in the USB drive. Ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the project lifecycle.

Engagement matrix

The Engagement matrix tracks how users interact with the folders and files within the project. This includes actions such as:

  • Viewing

  • Downloading

  • Printing

By monitoring these activities, administrators can gain valuable insights into participant behaviors.

These insights provide clarity on user interactions, frequency of access, and identifies the most active users and the most popular files.

💡Use this report to reveal the level of interest from potential buyers or partners by seeing how they engage with specific documents. Higher engagement levels can signal stronger interest, which can be crucial information for decision-making.

Data storage

The Data storage report is designed to remove the barriers between administrators and comprehensive storage insights, offering clear visibility into large files, usage trends, and more, in a manner that’s easy to understand.

💡 Subscribe to this report to keep up-to-date on your project's data usage.


Subscriptions provide the option to get vital project updates through email at a frequency of your choosing, guaranteeing users will remain up-to-date even when they are not using the platform.

💡To subscribe to a report, click the Subscribe button and set frequency as required.

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