Creating groups [old VDR]
Updated over a week ago

Data room users are divided into user groups. Their group settings define user roles, access to data room functionality, document permissions, and other settings.

To start creating a user group, click New group in the Users tab.

There are two types of users in the data room – Administrators and Users with two roles within each type.

ℹ️ Learn more about available user roles.

In the appeared window:

  • Select the role and enter a group name.

  • Depending on the selected role, define additional settings:

    • For collaboration users: choose who they can collaborate with and whether they can see other users' activity.

    • For restricted administrators: choose who and what they can manage.

  • Set document permissions or copy them from the existing user group.

  • Define access to the data room:

    • Unlimited: users will have unlimited access to the data room.

    • Disabled: if you disable the access, the users invited to this group will not receive their invitations until you enable the group.

    • Till date: users will have access to the data room until the specified date only.

  • Click Create.

Once you're done setting up user groups, you can proceed with inviting users to them.

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