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Corporate account: Participants
Corporate account: Participants

Review and manage who can access your corporate account and create projects linked to your contract with Ideals

Updated over 4 months ago

Corporate account can be accessed on the left-side panel – Corporate account.

Participants of corporate account

In the Participants tab, you can review, add, and delete participants who can access the corporate account page and/or create projects linked to your contract with Ideals.

ℹ️ Additional subtab with participants across projects is available with the Enterprise subscription only.

Available roles

There are 3 available roles in the corporate account:

  • Owner: full management of corporate account, can provide additional rights to managers or transfer their ownership.

💡 Only one person can be an owner of a corporate account at a time.

  • Manager: access to the corporate account page, management of participants, and creation of projects linked to the corporate account. Optionally, can be authorized to add project administrators and change support access to projects in this corporate account.

  • Project coordinator: no access to the corporate account page, only creation of projects linked to the corporate account.

💡 Corporate account managers can add and delete other managers and project coordinators, as well as change their role. But only the owner can provide additional rights to managers or assign an owner role.

To view or edit a participant, click anywhere in their row or click Open user settings.

Adding new participant

To invite a new corporate account participant:

  • Click Add participant.

  • Enter email address.

  • Select a role that defines the level of access to the corporate account.

  • Click Invite.

💡 The owner role is available for selection only to the owner. They can transfer their ownership during invitation of new participant or from the existing user card.

Deleting participants

To delete a participant from the corporate account, click the corresponding button next to them in the list or on the user card.

If the user was deleted from the corporate account participants, then:

  • They can no longer create projects linked to this corporate account.

  • Access to all projects they are invited to will remain unchanged.

💡 To delete a participant from all or specific projects, go to:

  • Participants tab of the corresponding project.

  • Projects tab of a user card in the corporate account (available with the Enterprise subscription only).

Participants across projects

Corporate account managers can access the list of all users who are currently participating in projects linked to the corporate account.

ℹ️ Available with the Enterprise subscription only.

To view participants across all projects, go to the Participants tab of your corporate account – Across projects.

💡 The list includes only participants present in at least one active project. Deleted participants and closed projects are omitted.

Available information

To ease the management process, besides basic info about each participant, you get a quick overview of the following:

  • Number of projects to which they are invited, including in deactivated status.

  • Number of projects in which they have administrator role.

Click Customize columns to choose what information should be present in the table.


There are 2 available export options:

  • User list: general overview of all users according to the selected columns.

  • User access list by projects: detailed overview of each user, including the list of projects the user is invited to and their access to them.

💡 If you apply filters or select specific users in the list, the exported report will contain the information only about the corresponding users.

Deleting users from projects

In the Projects tab of the user card, you can delete a user from a specific project in the list by hovering on the corresponding row.

Or bulk-delete from multiple projects at once by selecting required projects.

💡 It is not possible to delete a user from the project if they are the sole administrator there. To be able to delete them, another project administrator must be added first.

User card

To view detailed information on a given participant, click anywhere in their row or use the corresponding button – Open user settings.

On top of the user card, you will find basic information about the user, including:

  • Full name

  • Email

  • Company / Job title

  • Who invited them

  • Phone number

💡 Job title and phone number are displayed only if provided by the user, as these are optional fields in account settings.

There are 2 available tabs:

  • Role: corporate account role, if they have been added to a corporate account.

  • Projects: list of projects in which they participate, including their group and access to the particular project.

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