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Follow-up questions
Follow-up questions

How to send a follow-up question in the thread; who and when can do it

Updated over a week ago

Users with the Question submitter role can ask follow-up questions if the question is answered and has the "Answer submitted" status. To send a follow-up question:

  • Open an answered question.

  • Click Ask follow-up question.

  • Type your additional question.

  • Click Submit.

Follow-up questions are visible to the answer side and the question team, to which the question submitter belongs.

Keep in mind that:

  • FAQ or questions with the status "Question closed" cannot be followed up.

  • Follow-up questions are not auto-assigned to experts if this setting is enabled. Answer coordinators can answer these questions themselves or manually assign them to experts.

  • Follow-up questions are not included in the question limit if there is any set for the question team.

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