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Submitting proposed questions
Submitting proposed questions

How to submit question drafts to the answer side in bulk or a single one

Updated over a week ago

On the question side, both question drafters and question submitters can create question drafts before submitting them to the answer side.

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Having question drafts allows question team members to internally review proposed questions and eliminate the repeated or irrelevant ones.

After review, users with the Question submitter role can submit questions either one by one or in bulk.

If a single question is open for viewing, just click the Submit button below the question text.

If there are multiple proposed questions that you'd like to submit at once:

  • Select the questions in the list using checkboxes.

  • Click on the three dots menu next to the Export button on top of the screen.

  • Select Submit.

Upon submitting, all selected questions will become available to the answer side.

Keep in mind that each submitted question will be counted in the question limit if it was set for a team. Unlike submitted questions, proposed question drafts are not counted in the question limit.

Question submitters can also edit proposed questions before submitting them to the answer side.

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