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Closing and reopening questions
Closing and reopening questions

How to close the question or change its status back to the discussion

Updated over a week ago

Once the answer is submitted, and there shouldn't be any further discussion on the question, it can be closed by the Answer coordinator. Any pending questions cannot be closed until the answer is submitted to the question side.

Closing questions

To close the questions:

  • Select one or more questions on the right-side panel.

  • Click the three dots menu and select Close.

💡 This option will be available only if your selection contains at least one question in the Answer submitted status.

Alternatively, a single question can be closed by changing its status:

  • Open the question in the Answer submitted status.

  • On the right-side panel, click on the status bubble.

  • Select Question closed.

  • Confirm the action.

Keep in mind that follow-up questions cannot be submitted to closed questions.

Reopening closed question

The answer coordinator can reopen closed question threads for further discussion if needed. To reopen the questions:

  • Select one or more questions on the right-side panel.

  • Click the three dots menu and select Reopen.

This option will be available only if your selection contains at least one question in the Question closed status.

Alternatively, a single question can be reopened by changing its status:

  • Open the question in the Question closed status.

  • On the right-side panel, click on the status bubble.

  • Select Answer submitted.

  • Confirm the action.

Once the question is moved back to the status Answer submitted, the question side can submit follow-up questions to the thread.

FAQ is created in the Question closed status by default, and it's impossible to open it for discussion and follow-up questions.

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